A message you can’t afford to be silent on.
Transform your church through financial discipleship
Talking about money is challenging and uncomfortable.
As a pastor, we know you have a strong desire to help your people, but do you know that one of their greatest struggles is managing money? Debt, overspending, and a lack of giving are all symptoms that point to a more significant spiritual problem. Even those who don’t struggle with debt face the unrelenting draw of living a materialistic and self-serving lifestyle.
The Church aims to help people find spiritual freedom, but overlooks that the decisions surrounding money are spiritual and connected to the heart.
Christians shouldn’t have to look outside the Church for financial education, but let’s face it: teaching about money can be challenging and uncomfortable, which is why so many pastors avoid it.
At CSN, we teach church leaders the biblical perspective on finances so they can speak with authority, confidence, and integrity.
Silence is not an option. Your boldness can set people free.
Lasting change starts with these simple steps.
Ready to dive in? Here’s how you can get started.
Our passion is working with churches and organizations that share a passion for discipling people in biblical stewardship and generosity. Wherever you are in the process of bringing this ministry to your church, we’d love to partner with you. Get to know our network and become part of our community.

Help your people find true freedom and become….
Vibrant and committed followers of Christ
More committed, involved, and engaged
Happy & Healthy families
Stronger marriages and happier families once the stress of financial burdens is eased
People who are debt free are four times more likely to tithe
Financial discipleship helps people eliminate financial burdens and gives them the freedom to give generously
Link arms with experts in stewardship ministry.
Our leadership team has decades of ministry experience and worked with hundreds of churches to build thriving stewardship ministries. Whether you’re a single-site small church or a multi-campus mega-church, we have the expertise and knowledge to start transforming your church’s culture in stewardship and generosity.
Let’s talk! Send us an email and we’d be happy to assist you.
We partner with organizations that share the passion for equipping church leaders in the area of stewardship and generosity. Together, we collaborate in projects and initiatives that further resource our network and the Church in financial discipleship.