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Capital Campaigns and Biblical Stewardship
Capital campaigns are intensive fundraising endeavors aimed at securing substantial funding within a set timeframe. Typically, these campaigns support projects like constructing a new church, renovating facilities or retiring debt. However, beneath the financial surface lies a profound question: Do capital campaigns align with biblical stewardship?
7 Ways Churches Can Prepare Financially for Rough Waters
We live in a fast-changing world. Those changes also impact churches. For instance, we have levels of inflation not seen in the last 40 years. Things ebb and flow, and what’s different today is unpredictability. It comes from rapid cultural change, shifting demographics, rapidly evolving technology, and an interdependent global economic climate.
12 Ways to Leverage Giving Data: A Ministry-First Approach to Generosity
Jesus's story of the widow's mite in Luke 21 shows us we can't classify generosity or faithfulness by the amount people give. However, historical giving patterns can serve as a remarkably accurate ministry health check. Giving data can provide cues to your givers' well-being and the challenges in their lives and, thus, how you can best serve them. In fact, this is the most ethical use of your giver's historical data.