Helping Churches Grow Healthy Stewardship Ministries


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Upcoming Webinars

The 4 C’s of Generosity Metrics
Wednesday, August 28 | 12 pm CT

Understanding that individual giving has remained stable over the past 30 years while the church’s share continues to decline, churches have been working even harder to grow financial stewardship among members. This awareness and proactive response are the first steps to address the issue.

It is the next step, measuring the results, that many churches are not completing. The 2023 Stewardship Survey, conducted by Vision2 and CSN, revealed a disconnect between setting actionable goals and taking relevant steps to meet and measure against those goals. In fact, more than half of the Survey's webinar attendees reported not tracking their financial discipleship efforts. Since you can’t manage what you don’t measure, the effectiveness of your financial stewardship strategy can be significantly impaired.

As one expert noted, “We are surrounded by data, but starved for insights”, knowing where to begin and how to interpret our giving data can be overwhelming. To help you start measuring the results of your efforts and improve the likelihood of achieving your financial stewardship goals, this webinar will cover the 4 C’s of generosity metrics and share actionable best practices.

How to Preach on Money
Wednesday, October 2 | 12 pm CT

For pastors preaching on money can feel self-serving. After all, the pastor and staff are the first to benefit from the money given to a church. Most pastors have no intention of manipulating people to give, and it's the primary reason why they shy away from peaching on money. Unfortunately, not preaching on this topic leaves God's people ill-equipped to handle their wealth and possessions with a Biblical worldview. In this webinar, we'll show why preaching on money is vital to spiritual maturity, how to do it in a way that's beneficial and not manipulative, and the 4 components that will ensure your message is theologically sound.

How to Invest with a Christian Mindset
Wednesday, October 23 | 12 pm CT

The COVID-19 pandemic changed people's behavior in many ways, perhaps the most unlikely of which is that millions were drawn to the stock market. With time on their hands, and government stimulus money in their pockets, social media influencers began live-streaming their day trading. And that drew countless new investors to the stock market in search of quick riches.

It adds up to an important opportunity for stewardship leaders. Clearly, there's a lot of interest in the topic. What's missing is a biblical perspective. Many people simply don't know how the Bible could—or should—guide their investment decisions.

In our webinar, Matt Bell will show you how you can help. Matt is managing editor at Sound Mind Investing, a Christian company founded more than 30 years ago at the encouragement of Larry Burkett in order to help Christians gain unbiased help with their investing. 

As you'll hear Matt suggest, biblically-informed investing differs from secular investing in two main areas — motives and methods.

Join us for an eye-opening look at today's investing environment and learn how you can help bring a biblical perspective into the conversation at your church. 

Theology of Money
Wednesday, November 13 | 12 pm CT

The apostle Paul warned that in the last days, there will be difficult times because, among other things, people will be lovers of self and lovers of money. With such a stern warning and the insatiable appetite that exists in our culture for material possessions, we would expect the topic of money to be one of the most talked about and preached about subjects in our churches. It isn't. Moreover, a growing number of Christians are offended when a pastor dares to talk about it. Money isn't the issue here; it's the love of money, the spirit behind it, and how that spirit tries to destroy our relationship with God and each other. In this webinar, we'll discuss the Biblical theology of money to reveal God's view and purpose for money in our lives.