Talking about your money is both emotional and personal. The videos listed here will inspire you to pursue the truths about living in financial freedom and sharing these plain truths with those that you are leading.
Video Library
From Stewardship to Generosity: Equipping Church Leaders to Build a Giving Culture in Your Church
Watch this insightful webinar on biblical stewardship and kingdom generosity to learn practical strategies for inspiring a culture of giving in your church. This session explores key biblical principles that help church leaders cultivate a spirit of collaborative stewardship, where every member sees their time, talents, and finances as resources entrusted by God. Discover how to create an environment that fosters open conversations about stewardship, promotes accountability, and encourages joyful giving.
The Theology of Money
The apostle Paul warned that in the last days, there will be difficult times because, among other things, people will be lovers of self and lovers of money. With such a stern warning and the insatiable appetite that exists in our culture for material possessions, we would expect the topic of money to be one of the most talked about and preached about subjects in our churches. It isn't. Moreover, a growing number of Christians are offended when a pastor dares to talk about it. Money isn't the issue here; it's the love of money, the spirit behind it, and how that spirit tries to destroy our relationship with God and each other. In this webinar, we'll discuss the Biblical theology of money to reveal God's view and purpose for money in our lives.
How to Invest with a Christian Mindset
Description: The COVID-19 pandemic changed people's behavior in many ways, perhaps the most unlikely of which is that millions were drawn to the stock market. With time on their hands and government stimulus money in their pockets, social media influencers began live-streaming their day trading. And that drew countless new investors to the stock market in search of quick riches. It adds up to an important opportunity for stewardship leaders. Clearly, there's a lot of interest in the topic. What's missing is a biblical perspective. Many people simply don't know how the Bible could—or should—guide their investment decisions.
How to Preach on Money
For pastors, preaching on money can feel self-serving. After all, the pastor and staff are the first to benefit from the money given to a church. Most pastors have no intention of manipulating people to give, and it's the primary reason why they shy away from peaching on money. Unfortunately, not preaching on this topic leaves God's people ill-equipped to handle their wealth and possessions with a Biblical worldview. In this webinar, we'll show why preaching on money is vital to spiritual maturity, how to do it in a way that's beneficial and not manipulative, and the components that will ensure your message is theologically sound.
The 4 C's of Generosity Metrics
Understanding that individual giving has remained stable over the past 30 years while the church's share continues to decline, churches have been working even harder to grow financial stewardship among members. This awareness and proactive response are the first steps to address the issue. It is the next step, measuring the results, that many churches are not completing.
From Numbers to Narrative: Budgeting for Ministry Impact
How can you bridge the gap between your ministry’s financial resources and its mission and vision?
This insightful webinar with Martus Solutions, a leader in budgeting and reporting software for churches, Tammy Bunting CAS, will address one of the most pressing challenges ministry leaders face: connecting financial resources to the mission and vision of your ministry.
The Generosity Communication Checklist
In this webinar, we explore the multifaceted nature of communicating generosity within the church and emphasize the importance of language, storytelling, and gratitude.
Developing An Effective Giving Moment
What does it take to construct a giving moment that helps connect your congregants' hearts to the spiritual significance behind it?
Whether you're giving moment is an in-person part of the weekend service or a digital encounter throughout the week, how do you use this moment to connect believers to God as an authentic part of their discipleship?
In this virtual workshop, we learned from the team at Life.Church and their strategy for creating an authentic spiritual moment through multiple locations.
The Difference Between Stewardship and Generosity
Why are stewardship and generosity used interchangeably in the Church but nowhere else? You will never hear a business refer to the stewardship of its customers, employees, or products as an act of generosity. Yet, in the Church, they are often used synonymously as if they mean the same thing. Stewardship is the responsible management of resources, while generosity is an act of giving to others. A better way to state the difference is that generosity is about what you give away, and stewardship is what you do with what you keep. In this webinar, we will show the difference between Biblical stewardship and generosity, why they are essential teachings for every follower of Christ, and share effective methods church leaders can use to incorporate these teachings into their church's discipleship process.
Six Reasons to Consider a Living Trust
Your loyal supporters often have mythical thinking: "I do not have enough for an estate plan." But the truth is, everyone needs a plan, whether they have a little or a lot. Without a plan, their families will often experience conflict and chaos. (And usually end up in your office.) With a plan, there is harmony and opportunities for biblical stewardship and generosity. Help your families know how to create peace in their end-of-life documents.
Learn How Your Church Can Thrive in the New Giving Landscape
Discover creative strategies for enhancing your church’s discipleship and financial health through our webinar, "How to Thrive in the New Giving Landscape." This webinar guides pastors and church leaders through the latest trends in church giving, including engaging the different generations of givers and managing non-cash contributions. Christian Stewardship Network's Leo Sabo along with MortarStone's Tim Deatrick and DeWayne McNally, share actionable insights and tools for creating a sustainable culture of generosity in your community.
Measure to Manage (and Achieve) Your Financial Stewardship Goals
We had the honor of presenting at CSN's 2024 Forum with board member Donna Nicholson-Stief. Our session encouraged everyone to think beyond measuring generosity and track the success of their financial stewardship efforts. We recognize that it is more challenging than measuring generosity. In fact, 57% of churches surveyed reported that they don't track their efforts. However, it could be one of the most important steps you take to assess the health of financial stewardship in your church and its long-term viability.
Reasons Your People Aren't Giving and What You Can Do About It
A troubling church statistic that seems not to be improving is the number of people not giving anything measurable to their church. Have you asked yourself why a significant number of your congregation isn’t giving? We have, too! To answer that question, Dave Briggs, the Stewardship Director at Central Christian Church in Phoenix, AZ, decided to do a year-long study to better understand this phenomenon. He joins us in this webinar to share his findings and offer some things church leaders can do to reverse this trend.
Wills & Trusts: A Ministry for Every Church Member
In this webinar, our friends Donna Nicholson Stief from LCBC Church in Pennsylvania and Clay Perkins from Financial Planning Ministry share with you how estate planning is not just an excellent resource for your church members but also a ministry that gives people peace and allows them to steward their wealth and give generously at the end of life.
A Missing Ministry - What the Church Needs to Know to Identify and Disciple Those with Abundance
In this webinar, David Thoroughman and Tim Dieatrick from MortarStone and Leo Sabo from CSN host an enlightening webinar about national giving trends and what you should know as it relates to funding your ministry for the next generation using 2000-year-old biblical teachings with current-day application. In this webinar, we will teach you how to develop a ministry of non-cash giving similar to para-ministries and non-faith non-profits. Whether you are a pastor, stewardship leader, or involved in financial discipleship, this webinar will equip you with practical tools, strategies, and insights to transform giving to your church. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners and industry experts as you embark on a journey to unlock new levels of stewardship and discipleship within your congregation.
2023 Stewardship Survey Initial Findings
Economic uncertainty and declining church attendance and giving have left churches reconsidering their approach to stewardship and generosity.
In our second annual joint Stewardship Survey, Vision2 and Christian Stewardship Network have once again collected data on how churches are addressing these challenges. This year’s results reveal the beginnings of a shift that we can’t wait to share with you.
Why Your Church Needs A Stewardship Pastor
Every church desires to have a culture of generosity with engaged people serving their community and the world. Of course, that doesn't happen automatically. Leadership has to cultivate and nurture the seeds that will create such a culture intentionally, and that's precisely where the Stewardship Pastor is instrumental. In this CSN Webinar, you will learn how a Stewardship Pastor can assist in developing a strategy for financial discipleship to support the church's mission and ministries.
From Insights to Action: How Your Church Can Use Data to Make Better Decisions and Grow Disciples
Giving data can be a powerful tool for your church to use in making informed decisions and growing disciples. By understanding the giving patterns of your congregation, you can identify trends and make informed decisions about how to allocate resources, plan events, and develop outreach programs. More importantly, you can identify pastoral opportunities to offer more support, guidance, or encouragement in your people's spiritual journey. In this CSN webinar, we learned how giving data can help your church gain valuable insights to make better decisions and grow disciples.
How to Have A Compelling Offering Moment
As stewardship leaders, we understand the importance of generosity in the life of the believer. The world is bombarding Christians with messages of spending on whatever their heart desires, and it's working. In a typical week, church leaders have perhaps 60 to 90 seconds to encourage their congregation to give to God's work. This Offering Moment has to combat the relentless message of consumerism and break through to the heart of generosity that often lays dormant in God's people. In this webinar, you will learn how to share a compelling offering moment grounded in God's word so that your people will be encouraged to put God first in their lives and give generously to His work.
Building a Next-Gen Stewardship Roadmap
In today’s “New Normal,” churches are experiencing decreasing attendance rates and share of overall charitable giving. To help churches respond to these challenges, Christian Stewardship Network and Vision2 together surveyed churches of all sizes and denominations to collect a meaningful set of stewardship insights. Our goal is to use survey results to develop essential tools and benchmarks.