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Beyond the Numbers: Strengthening Ministry Through a Pastor-Finance Leader Partnership
The role of the church finance leader is not simply about controlling spending—it’s about setting priorities that support and grow the ministry. For the senior pastor, building a strong partnership with your finance leader ensures that every dollar is connected to the mission, reinforcing both the church’s financial health and its spiritual impact.
The World's Most Famous Game
I was in elementary school when I played my first game of Monopoly. My family had gathered for Christmas, and I watched with eager anticipation as the game board was set up. My underdeveloped economic mind assumed the goal of the game was to gain the most cash possible; therefore I moved my token swiftly around the board collecting cash in favor of collecting properties.
How to Cultivate a Culture of Transparency in Your Church
In today’s world, where trust is seldom found, cultivating a culture of transparency is more important than ever to the mission of the church. Transparency is not just modern phraseology but a biblical principle that aligns with our responsibilities as stewards of God’s work
3 Things Jesus (Never) Said About Money, Wealth, and Possessions
You may have heard the statistic that Jesus spoke more about money and possessions than any other topic during His earthly ministry. While some debate the accuracy of this claim, it’s undeniable that Jesus had much to say on the subject.
3 Giving Conversations to Have with Members
Church leaders talk about financial matters all the time, and it is not uncommon for these conversations to be focused primarily on the progress toward your giving goals. For an effective financial stewardship strategy that starts at the top, expand your financial discussions to include the topics that affect your givers.
Why Churches Should Leverage Teaching on Investing to NexGen as a Discipleship Opportunity
Like so many areas of life, the COVID-19 pandemic turned the investing world upside down. But not in the ways you might imagine.
Diagnosing the Health of Church Giving
Imagine you begin to exhibit health concerns. You present various symptoms that give rise to concern. One response you could make would be to consult the information superhighway, which will give a broad range of possible illnesses from one end of the spectrum to the other. Another response would be to consult a physician.
How Do I Grow Generosity at My Church?
Church giving can be an uncomfortable topic, but funding is essential to your church's function. There are many hurdles to overcome, but with the right approach, you can help your congregation grow and become better givers.
3 Church Leadership Conversations on Giving
Church leaders talk about financial matters all the time, and it is not uncommon for these conversations to be focused primarily on the progress toward your giving goals. For an effective financial stewardship strategy that starts at the top, expand your financial discussions to include the topics that affect your givers.
Stewarding your Calling and Purpose
Paul begins his letter to the Romans by stating that he is a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God. He also adds "by the will of God" in most of his other letters to affirm the purpose of his calling to preach the gospel to Jews and Gentiles, something Paul never doubted. So sure was he of his calling and purpose that he gave up his freedom and eventually his life to pursue and fulfill it.
Capital Campaigns and Biblical Stewardship
Capital campaigns are intensive fundraising endeavors aimed at securing substantial funding within a set timeframe. Typically, these campaigns support projects like constructing a new church, renovating facilities or retiring debt. However, beneath the financial surface lies a profound question: Do capital campaigns align with biblical stewardship?
How to Use "Thank You" as a Powerful Opportunity to Connect with Givers
Until the introduction of online giving, givers weren’t really thanked for their donations to their church. It was their obligation and their worship, so they didn’t expect a thank you.
The Battle of Our Will
It is difficult to watch the events happening in Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine and consider the level of brutality that people can impose on one another. That kind of behavior seems inhuman. How can some people cause such harm to others? The apostle Paul reveals the answer in his letter to the Ephesians.
Passing the Whole Baton
For the past few years, nonprofit organizations and churches have been hearing about the upcoming generational wealth transfer. Estimates range anywhere from $60 to $90 trillion dollars that will be passed from Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation to their heirs and the causes they care about over the next 30 years.
When God Provides a Surplus, it's Always with a Purpose
Whenever I read the Scriptures, especially when it involves a story, I try to imagine it as if I am physically standing there watching the events unfolding. This helps me not to interpret the text the same way every time and usually causes me to ask questions I wouldn't ask through casual reading. This happened recently while reading Jesus' feeding of the five thousand, and, as it often happens when meditating on God's word, I saw something new.
Marriage and Money
We've all heard the statistics. Money issues and arguments are one of the leading causes of marital stress and divorce. And this isn't true just outside the church - it's true in our congregations as well. Discussions about money surface all kinds of emotions, and many couples aren't equipped to deal effectively with the topic.
Engaging Givers from First Gift to Lapsed or Legacy
While every giver is different, they are alike in this way: Each one starts with a first gift and concludes with their last. This can be when they stop supporting your church (lapsed) or bequeath a final gift posthumously (legacy).
Why is it So Hard to Give?
It’s no easy task trying to get people to understand the beauty of giving and generosity. Giving is an expression of worship, an invitation to partner with God in everything. It requires you to “place your bet” on the work of God over the physical comfort of predictability. Many of us have felt the discomfort of calculating the amount of money God has deemed his tithe and tried to do the math on how that would impact our wallet.
5 Ways Budgeting Makes Your Life Easier, Not Harder
In today's financially unpredictable world, security and stability are goals every Christian desires. Many struggle to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck and often falling prey to debt and financial stress. Almost always, the root causes are physical as well as spiritual. Fortunately, there's a solution that can help us overcome these financially related struggles and transform our financial life - budgeting. In this article, we'll explore five ways a budget can make your life easier rather than harder.
Seven Reasons to Offer Estate Planning at Your Church
I serve on a medical missions board pro-bono. I confess that I am useless with medical terminology since I am not a medical doctor. Oh, well! I like serving with medical doctors because I love what they do and who they serve (and hey, it helps that they meet in great places that have great fishing!).