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How to Cultivate a Culture of Transparency in Your Church
In today’s world, where trust is seldom found, cultivating a culture of transparency is more important than ever to the mission of the church. Transparency is not just modern phraseology but a biblical principle that aligns with our responsibilities as stewards of God’s work
Seeking and Receiving Wise Counsel
Christians should know about seeking wise counsel, especially when making important decisions. There are numerous passages in scripture that specifically encourage seeking counsel.
When Stewardship Is Taken Too Far
It's hard to imagine taking something like Biblical stewardship and overdoing it. How can someone be overcommitted to good stewardship or to doing too much to advance it? It's not only possible; likely, we've all done it at some point in one form or another.
Losing Influence: The Diminishing Reputation of The Church
In the marketplace, outstanding quality and excellent customer service build good reputations. Take either of these two components away, and a good reputation won't be achieved. This is also true for churches.
10 Ways to Be More Productive Working from Home
A lot of us have had to make the transition to working from home during this crisis. As someone who worked from home for nearly ten years, I have written a list of 10 things that I believe will help you not make some of the mistakes I made (and in some cases continue to make). Not all of these will apply to each of you, but I encourage you to go over the list with an open mind. Ask yourself, if I implemented any of these suggestions, would I be more productive? If the answer is yes, then you know what to do!
What I Wish Every Church Leader Knew About Stewardship
For the last 17 years, I have served on staff at two large churches leading their stewardship ministries. During this time, I witnessed a surprising number of church leaders who also have an awkward relationship with stewardship. It doesn’t need to be this way.