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Will You Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven?
There's a real danger in Christianity today to believe that all it takes to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven is to say a prayer. Don't get me wrong! The prayer of confession is absolutely necessary. But, the scripture says explicitly, "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
Ending your Year with Gratitude
If your year was anything like mine, then maybe you can’t believe it’s already almost over. When I’m not working for CSN, I’m balancing life with a preschooler and toddler - and though I thoroughly enjoy this season of life, it’s busy.
The Leading Cause and The Remedy for Apathy In The Church
There's little doubt that the past two years have significantly impacted The Church. Phrases like "pre-pandemic and post-pandemic" indicate new realities and how we're all trying to deal with them. Most noteworthy is the increase in apathy toward God and the relevance of The Church.
Seeking and Receiving Wise Counsel
Christians should know about seeking wise counsel, especially when making important decisions. There are numerous passages in scripture that specifically encourage seeking counsel.
Stewarding Your Calling
One of the most amazing Scriptures is Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." It's amazing because it speaks to how specific and purpose-oriented God was in forming Jeremiah and giving him life. The same is true for every person God creates.
Unity Through Stewardship
There is much division in our world today. No matter where you get your daily news intake, there’s no mistaking the reality that we are more divided and becoming more polarized every day. I know there’s an enemy at work here, working feverishly to steal, kill, and destroy, but didn’t Jesus defeat this enemy? Did He not “disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them” through the Cross? If He’s defeated this enemy, why are we still losing?
The Greatest Hindrance in our Faith, According to Jesus
Jesus met a lot of people throughout his earthly ministry. He dined with the sinful. He met and healed many crippled, disabled, and diseased desperate for his touch. He came to the defense of a woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8:2-11) and shared a deep conversation with the outcast Samaritan woman at the well (John 4). He even met with the man notorious for his demonic possession among the tombs of the Gerasenes (Mark 5:1-20). In all of his encounters, he never indicates their qualification to be welcomed into God’s kingdom.
Love-Inspired Stewardship
Do you know that God loves you? No, really! God loves you! He is completely and utterly in love with you. Some of us accept this truth with our minds but have a more difficult time doing so with our hearts.
Finding Contentment in a Materialistic World
In westernized cultures today, we have been raised believing that success, wealth, and the acquisition of possessions contributes to our overall level of happiness. Not only are we susceptible to this belief system, but we are targeted by marketing strategies backed by billions of dollars to convince us that what we have isn’t enough.
Losing Influence: The Diminishing Reputation of The Church
In the marketplace, outstanding quality and excellent customer service build good reputations. Take either of these two components away, and a good reputation won't be achieved. This is also true for churches.
Do Not Fear!
Like most of you, I've been exposed to a steady stream of news concerning the Coronavirus for weeks. I really can't escape it. It's in every stream of media; TV, social media, and every web browser's home page. And, if I’m honest, it's having an impact on me.
20 Ways to Apply God's Truth to Your Financial Crisis
Like many of you, the economic impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic has become particularly personal to my family as her company recently notified my wife that her position is being eliminated. Also, although my job as a bank manager is considered essential and I am still employed, my level of stress has dramatically increased as I negotiate the challenges of managing an anxious staff and clients while being available 7-days a week at all hours by phone—the result: much less income, much more stress.
The Christian's Response to Tragedy
We are experiencing unprecedented challenges in our world. The world faces an enemy that has all but reached and affected every county and every population group across the globe, and all within days. The impact of this enemy has affected almost every facet of our lives.