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3 Things Jesus (Never) Said About Money, Wealth, and Possessions
You may have heard the statistic that Jesus spoke more about money and possessions than any other topic during His earthly ministry. While some debate the accuracy of this claim, it’s undeniable that Jesus had much to say on the subject.
The High Stakes of Stewardship
Perhaps you've heard the tale of the three bricklayers working on a project. When asked what they were making, the first said, "$18 an hour." The next replied, "We're making a wall to help support the roof." But the third said, "We're building a cathedral for worshipping God!" They were all engaged in the same task, but only one caught the bigger vision.
Overcoming the Emotional Impulse to Spend
Growing up, I recall the Christmas season being about giving. Everyone focused on buying something for their loved ones. Somewhere along the way, the notion that we should also treat ourselves to something special got thrown into the mix.
Financial Success in the Kingdom of God
I've been fascinated by the many new and creative ways people are making a living these days. By using platforms like Etsy, Instagram, Pinterest, and Youtube, to name just a few, many people are ditching the 9-5, climbing the corporate ladder, way of making a living. These solopreneurs, mostly the younger generation, are seeking something that the standard career paths cannot provide.
Seeking and Receiving Wise Counsel
Christians should know about seeking wise counsel, especially when making important decisions. There are numerous passages in scripture that specifically encourage seeking counsel.
Contentment: The Superpower of the Financially Wise
Our world is out to get us when it comes to having nice things. The aggression at which we are convinced to buy items reminds me of 1 Peter 5:8: 'Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. '
What Does the Bible Say About Spending?
Spending is a typical daily occurrence for us today. The difference between our spending and people living one hundred or more years ago is that not all our spending is necessary for our survival. Modern inventions and industry have made it possible for us to get what we need quickly and at affordable prices. This progress has not only freed up more of our time, it's made surplus, having more than what's necessary to provide for basic needs, a reality for most people.
How to Set Your House in Order
Imagine you’ve been making all the right financial moves for a long time. You estimated your future needs, diligently set aside a portion of every paycheck, invested the money according to a trustworthy strategy, bought proper insurance for your family, stocked an emergency fund, made sure your paperwork is in order (wills, trusts, living wills, power-of-attorney documents), and everything else. If you’ve done all that, congratulations — you’re in far better shape than most people! Now imagine today is your last day alive.
The Marks of a Christian Investor
As the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the investing world grappled with its own upheavals. If you had money in the markets, you’ll likely long remember the period from mid-February to mid-March when the U.S. stock market fell 35% in just 16 trading days. Never before had the market so quickly switched gears from an all-time high to a bear market.
The Greatest Hindrance in our Faith, According to Jesus
Jesus met a lot of people throughout his earthly ministry. He dined with the sinful. He met and healed many crippled, disabled, and diseased desperate for his touch. He came to the defense of a woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8:2-11) and shared a deep conversation with the outcast Samaritan woman at the well (John 4). He even met with the man notorious for his demonic possession among the tombs of the Gerasenes (Mark 5:1-20). In all of his encounters, he never indicates their qualification to be welcomed into God’s kingdom.
The Seldom Thought of Reason for Not Cosigning
When I was 18 years old, my dad cosigned an application so I can get a credit card. I don't recall our conversation. I just remember getting the credit card because somehow, I talked my dad into cosigning with me. I never asked my dad why he did it. I guess it's because I know what he would say. To him, I was a risk worth taking, and I'm sure he believed I would own up to the responsibility of making the payments. I'm happy to report he's never had to make a payment on my behalf. Still, like many Christians today, my dad cosigning for me was a mistake, but not for the reasons you might think.
Why is tithing relevant to us today?
Tithing causes all kinds of heated debates and arguments. Whichever side of this issue you find yourself, for or against tithing, it's essential to be informed. There are too many opinions regarding this critical issue, not enough knowledge, which should come from one source, the Bible.
Love-Inspired Stewardship
Do you know that God loves you? No, really! God loves you! He is completely and utterly in love with you. Some of us accept this truth with our minds but have a more difficult time doing so with our hearts.
The Wisdom of Principles: 12 Financial Principles of Stewardship
Just because something is popular or admired doesn't make it good or right. One of the most famous tourist attractions in the world is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. What makes it an interesting attraction is that it was built on a poor foundation, which is causing it to lean to this day. Although it's become famous for tourists, it doesn't change the truth that this is a clear example of failure, what happens when an improper foundation is laid.
The Burden of Ownership
Have you ever been convicted by the words of your mouth? Have you ever said something and immediately heard a voice say to you, "That's true, so why is it that you're not living like it?" Sometimes the most powerful convictions and most profound revelations are initiated by the words we speak.
What is Biblical Stewardship?
Biblical stewardship is a phrase we don't use too often in our daily vernacular, yet Jesus talks about being a steward over and over, as do the authors of the Bible. A steward's role is central to who he is and what he's been called to accomplish in life and ministry.
What was Jesus really asking the Rich Young Ruler?
"Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?" That's an excellent question! Be honest. You've probably asked or thought about that question yourself. In your desire to be good and pleased to God, you've wondered, am I doing the right things to ensure my eternal future?
Finding Contentment in a Materialistic World
In westernized cultures today, we have been raised believing that success, wealth, and the acquisition of possessions contributes to our overall level of happiness. Not only are we susceptible to this belief system, but we are targeted by marketing strategies backed by billions of dollars to convince us that what we have isn’t enough.
The Purpose of Wealth
It is an odd question for the son of a truck driver, who was the son of a sharecropper, to ask, but the question is valid: "What is the purpose of wealth?"