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5 Ways Budgeting Makes Your Life Easier, Not Harder
In today's financially unpredictable world, security and stability are goals every Christian desires. Many struggle to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck and often falling prey to debt and financial stress. Almost always, the root causes are physical as well as spiritual. Fortunately, there's a solution that can help us overcome these financially related struggles and transform our financial life - budgeting. In this article, we'll explore five ways a budget can make your life easier rather than harder.
Is It Okay for Christians To Be Wealthy?
Many things about our natural lives conflict with our spiritual lives. Living by the spirit in a natural and often enticing world isn't easy. Even the apostle Paul confessed, "I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate." (Romans 7:15 NLT) One of the challenges we have to contend with is wealth and how we, as Christians, should relate to it.
The 2 Most Important Components of Managing Money Well
The start of a new year is always a great motivator to improve your finances. It's one of the top goals for Americans each year and a worthy one considering the state of our economy, a looming recession, and the growing uncertainty of the future. Regardless of where you find yourself financially, these two components will ensure you succeed in managing your money well.
Make 2023 Financially Better
The time between Christmas and New Year's is slower for most. It's a time to sleep in, get cozy, watch a movie marathon, and enjoy some well-deserved rest. For me, it's also a time when I take inventory of the passing year and begin to look to the next.
4 Things You Can Do to Make Sound Financial Decisions in Financially Lean Times
A friend recently asked me if she and her husband should buy an electric vehicle because the cost of driving his truck has risen to $700 per month due to higher gas prices. The recent rise in inflation is having a significant effect on American households, and everyone is scrambling to find ways to make their money go further.
Gratitude - The Key to Financial Balance
Most of us, if asked, would admit that we want more than we already have. Whether money, relationships, career, or possessions, we're wired to "reach" for more. This isn't always a bad thing. Considering the innovation we've experienced over the past 100 years, and how it's improved life for so many, I'm grateful that we keep reaching forward and upward. But, when it comes to finances, how can we know when reaching for more is not good?
Better Stewardship in 2022
If you’re a regular consumer of our content, you know we’re passionate about Biblical stewardship and generosity. Our mission is to train and equip church leaders to teach Gods’ financial principles to their congregations. Why do we do this? Because money is a primary competitor with Christ for our heart and devotion. You really can’t serve two masters, and that’s why we exist; to help people understand this truth and not be deceived into living a life pursuing the wrong things.
Overcoming the Emotional Impulse to Spend
Growing up, I recall the Christmas season being about giving. Everyone focused on buying something for their loved ones. Somewhere along the way, the notion that we should also treat ourselves to something special got thrown into the mix.
Maintaining the Right Balance in Our Saving
The other day my wife Natalie and I were casually talking about where we are regarding our retirement plans. After about 30 minutes of looking and talking through the different income sources we expect to be drawing from, an uneasy, perhaps even fearful mood gripped both of us. For a brief period of time, filled with worry about the future, we lost focus of who we are and what we've been called to be, faithful followers of Christ, seeking God's will and not our own.
The Seldom Thought of Reason for Not Cosigning
When I was 18 years old, my dad cosigned an application so I can get a credit card. I don't recall our conversation. I just remember getting the credit card because somehow, I talked my dad into cosigning with me. I never asked my dad why he did it. I guess it's because I know what he would say. To him, I was a risk worth taking, and I'm sure he believed I would own up to the responsibility of making the payments. I'm happy to report he's never had to make a payment on my behalf. Still, like many Christians today, my dad cosigning for me was a mistake, but not for the reasons you might think.
Two Keys to Managing Money Well
I've realized that no matter how long I've been managing money and how much I know about managing it God's way, it doesn't get easier. The lure of wealth and all it promises, especially through the consistent advertising we're exposed to daily, has an impact. It can wear us down and make us discontent, causing us to use money selfishly, even foolishly. It is impossible never to make a mistake, but managing money God's way should be the standard we seek and the desire we hold.