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How to Cultivate a Culture of Transparency in Your Church
In today’s world, where trust is seldom found, cultivating a culture of transparency is more important than ever to the mission of the church. Transparency is not just modern phraseology but a biblical principle that aligns with our responsibilities as stewards of God’s work
3 Giving Conversations to Have with Members
Church leaders talk about financial matters all the time, and it is not uncommon for these conversations to be focused primarily on the progress toward your giving goals. For an effective financial stewardship strategy that starts at the top, expand your financial discussions to include the topics that affect your givers.
3 Church Leadership Conversations on Giving
Church leaders talk about financial matters all the time, and it is not uncommon for these conversations to be focused primarily on the progress toward your giving goals. For an effective financial stewardship strategy that starts at the top, expand your financial discussions to include the topics that affect your givers.
Engaging Givers from First Gift to Lapsed or Legacy
While every giver is different, they are alike in this way: Each one starts with a first gift and concludes with their last. This can be when they stop supporting your church (lapsed) or bequeath a final gift posthumously (legacy).
The Problem with Your General Fund and How to Fix It
"General Fund" and “Tithes” are the most common designations churches use to support day-to-day operations like staff salaries, facilities maintenance, and outreach programs.
These things, while perhaps not as tangible or inspiring as, say, digging a well in Somalia, are crucial. They ARE the cost of doing good.
Stewardship for the Entire Congregation
One of the biggest challenges any stewardship ministry faces is the need to address the entire congregation regardless of financial standing. Some programs assume that all their participants struggle with debt; others assume that everyone has surplus to give. And likely, there are people in both of these camps in your congregation, as well as people between the extremes.
The 3 "Must Have" Components of an Effective Stewardship Ministry
Money is an integral part of our lives, and we spend a significant amount of time earning, planning, and spending money daily. Because of this, it stands to reason that being educated and well equipped in managing money would be of benefit to everyone. Unfortunately, financial education is sorely lacking today. Though possessing the best financial information available, God's Word, the Church isn't doing much to help people learn God's principles for managing money.
3 Steps to Create a Culture of Transformational Stewardship
When people think of stewardship and/or stewardship ministries, what often comes to mind are capital campaigns, pushes to give, and teaching financial education through budgeting classes. While these are fantastic tools that help us grow in the practical areas of finances, is that truly what defines a stewardship ministry? Anyone can be generous, and anyone can manage their finances through budgeting. Applying biblical principles to our finances or attending budgeting classes does not mean our hearts are in the right place when it comes to money, possessions, and our relationship with God.
The Wisdom of Principles: 12 Financial Principles of Stewardship
Just because something is popular or admired doesn't make it good or right. One of the most famous tourist attractions in the world is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. What makes it an interesting attraction is that it was built on a poor foundation, which is causing it to lean to this day. Although it's become famous for tourists, it doesn't change the truth that this is a clear example of failure, what happens when an improper foundation is laid.
What is Biblical Stewardship?
Biblical stewardship is a phrase we don't use too often in our daily vernacular, yet Jesus talks about being a steward over and over, as do the authors of the Bible. A steward's role is central to who he is and what he's been called to accomplish in life and ministry.
Why investing is a great topic to broaden your ministry's reach
An all too familiar problem with stewardship ministry is the stigma that the only people who engage in it are those in difficult or desperate financial situations. While teaching the basics of money management is a crucial and integral part of stewardship ministry, there is much more to offer.
The Emotional Side of Money
Pink Floyd got it wrong when they lyricized that "money is the root of all evil," but they weren't far off the mark. Financial issues are cited as the number one cause of divorce, and having helped more couples work through financial issues than I can count, I've seen how money can be a destructive force in our lives.
What I Wish Every Church Leader Knew About Stewardship
For the last 17 years, I have served on staff at two large churches leading their stewardship ministries. During this time, I witnessed a surprising number of church leaders who also have an awkward relationship with stewardship. It doesn’t need to be this way.