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Passing the Whole Baton
For the past few years, nonprofit organizations and churches have been hearing about the upcoming generational wealth transfer. Estimates range anywhere from $60 to $90 trillion dollars that will be passed from Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation to their heirs and the causes they care about over the next 30 years.
When, What, and How to Teach Your Kids about Money
Parenting is one of the most demanding and most rewarding endeavors a person can engage in. Trying to influence, shape, and mold another human being to grow up and be a good, productive, and responsible person is difficult. One day you’re the hero, and the next, you’re the villain because kids want to do their own thing like the rest of us. When it comes to teaching kids about money, it’s essential to know when, what, and how to do it because so many major life decisions hinge on it.