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What Does It Really Mean To Be Generous?
In our last article, we shared the difference between stewardship and generosity; you can read about it here. In this article, we're diving deeper into generosity and what it really means to be generous.
God-Approved Investing
It is Holy Week, Jesus' last week before his crucifixion, and he knows it. What would we share with those we care about if we knew we would have just a few days to live? I'm reasonably sure most of us would not waste time saying anything other than what mattered most, and neither did Jesus. What he said in the last days before his death is essential.
Giving that God Accepts
Doing what’s right is a struggle for us in most areas of life. Because following God’s commandments goes against our fallen, sinful nature, our attempts to do it right can often take the form of tasks we perform. We do so to prove to God, or perhaps more to ourselves, that we are Christ-like, that we’re doing what’s right.
True Generosity
We’ve all heard about extravagant acts of generosity. Some are quite incredible, which makes me wonder whether these people are uniquely gifted or just plain crazy? Come on, I know I’m not the only one who’s thought this! So, what does real generosity look like? How much do I have to give, and how will I know when I’m really generous?
True Discipleship Has A Cost
Financial discipleship, being trained and equipped in God's financial principles to live as a good and faithful steward, is a lifelong journey that requires faithfulness and lifelong devotion.
Why The Church will miss out on the "Great Wealth Transfer"
Most of the wealth people possess is held in non-cash or non-liquid assets, an estimated 90%. Of all this wealth, a significant portion will transfer. The question is, who will receive those assets? Unfortunately, it looks like very little of that transfer will end up going to churches or kingdom causes.