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Will You Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven?
There's a real danger in Christianity today to believe that all it takes to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven is to say a prayer. Don't get me wrong! The prayer of confession is absolutely necessary. But, the scripture says explicitly, "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
Making the Most of Every Opportunity
While our bread and butter work is helping Christians invest well, we regularly focus our attention on giving and generosity. As we've often said, we want people to have more so they can give more!
Are You Called to Stewardship Ministry?
There's a misunderstanding in Christianity about serving in ministry. Many people believe that serving in ministry is a full-time pastor position at a church or a missionary to a specific region or group. Unless you fit into one of these roles, you're not really in ministry.