
Talking about your money is both emotional and personal. The videos listed here will inspire you to pursue the truths about living in financial freedom and sharing these plain truths with those that you are leading.

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Financial Coaching CSN Financial Coaching CSN

Good Sense Coaches Training Program

Financial coaching is an area of ministry that takes a lot of effort, time, and manpower. To do it well, you have to have good volunteers and a great system to ensure the best opportunity for each client to succeed. In this episode, we’re talking with James Lenhoff from Good Sense Movement about their Coaches Training, a comprehensive online program that provides the features and benefits to prepare coaches to guide their clients from financial bondage to financial freedom successfully.

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The Future of Church Funding

Due to economic uncertainty, persistent disruption, and changing technology, church giving has changed. You need to know how to approach church giving differently. Are you ready? Your next step is important. In this webinar, we talk with Joe Park, the Principal, and CEO of Horizons Stewardship, about creative ways to fund your church ministry.

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The Impact of Stewardship Teaching In The Church

Stewardship Education, teaching people God's word on money and wealth, is an essential aspect of discipleship that every church should engage in. In this video, we talk with Chris Goulard and Dave Briggs about the Stewardship Impact Workshop and why they believe every church leader needs to attend this training. This workshop was explicitly created for church leaders to help them learn the theology of stewardship and generosity and learn how to incorporate a stewardship ministry in their church.

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Investing CSN Investing CSN

The Church’s Responsibility and Opportunity to Teach on Investing

The Scriptures provide wisdom for every area of life, including investing. Yet, it is rare to hear a sermon or teaching on the topic in The Church, and it seems pastors perceive the subject of money and wealth as too unspiritual to include in their weekend messages. Meanwhile, the world continues to guide and influence God’s people daily on how they should make, spend, and invest their money, mostly void of the Biblical principles found in God’s word. In this video, we talk about investing with Matt Bell from Sound Mind Investing to understand the Church’s responsibility, as well as an excellent opportunity to teach God’s people how to invest according to God’s design.

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next generation, webinars CSN next generation, webinars CSN

Strategies for Improving your Impact on the Next Generation

How can the church come alongside the next generation to not only help them steward their finances but also to help them grow spiritually and realize the importance of biblical stewardship in God's Kingdom?

In this video, we discuss the perspective, strengths, and challenges of millennials as it relates to finances and stewardship so that we can develop strategies that will draw them in and create a powerful generation of passionate givers

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