Talking about your money is both emotional and personal. The videos listed here will inspire you to pursue the truths about living in financial freedom and sharing these plain truths with those that you are leading.
Video Library
Investing Discussion with Matt Bell
Investing is an important part of stewardship. The Bible is clear on saving for the future and it provides several principles to guide us. In this video, I'm joined by Matt Bell from Sound Mind Investing to discuss the importance of investing and how to do it with the right heart and the proper motivation.
Money and Emotions Discussion with Chris Goulard and Leo Sabo
In this video, Chris and Leo discuss the negative and positive emotions around dealing with money. Fear, shame, happiness, and contentment, are but a few emotions that we feel when managing money. Being more aware of our emotional triggers, can help us to course-correct when necessary, and experience more fulfillment and joy.