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Why Do Christians Experience Financial Hardships?
Christianity doesn’t insulate you from worldly problems. Most Christians, if asked, would say they agree with that statement. Yet, when faced with difficult situations, we act as if something bizarre and unexpected is happening to us. Some of us even go as far as questioning God’s faithfulness towards them, especially when faced with financial hardships.
God-Approved Investing
It is Holy Week, Jesus' last week before his crucifixion, and he knows it. What would we share with those we care about if we knew we would have just a few days to live? I'm reasonably sure most of us would not waste time saying anything other than what mattered most, and neither did Jesus. What he said in the last days before his death is essential.
Unity Through Stewardship
There is much division in our world today. No matter where you get your daily news intake, there’s no mistaking the reality that we are more divided and becoming more polarized every day. I know there’s an enemy at work here, working feverishly to steal, kill, and destroy, but didn’t Jesus defeat this enemy? Did He not “disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them” through the Cross? If He’s defeated this enemy, why are we still losing?
Spending as a Disciple of Jesus
How valuable is the Word of God when we embrace the theology but miss its application? If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance you have a desire to know more about the relationship between money and faith. You may have a desire to understand what the Bible has to say about money, or you may already know what it says, and you need a reminder or to be validated that when it comes to managing money, you're doing it right.