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Stewardship Leader Podcast
The Stewardship Leader Podcast
Tune in to our Christian Stewardship Network Podcast with host, and CSN President, Leo Sabo. Each episode focuses on topical aspects of stewardship and generosity, featuring interviews with church and stewardship leaders and relevant content to equip and inspire. Building an effective Stewardship and Generosity Ministry takes time, dedication, and gaining knowledge and insight from those who have done it. Join us for the Stewardship Leader podcast and take your ministry to the next level.
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Purposeful Investing: The Future of Investing
This four-part podcast series explores the history, strategies, and future of investing through a biblical lens with special guest Dr. Shane Enete from Biola University. In this final episode, we examine the future of investing, including blockchain, crypto, and AI, and, more importantly, the real reason Christians should invest. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just beginning, this series will equip you with insights to steward your resources wisely for God’s glory.
Purposeful Investing: Christian Investing Marketplace
This four-part podcast series explores the history, strategies, and future of investing through a biblical lens with special guest Dr. Shane Enete from Biola University. In this third episode, we examine the Christian investing marketplace and look at the more profound reason for investing: shaping culture. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just beginning, this series will equip you with insights to steward your resources wisely for God’s glory.
Purposeful Investing: The Philosophies and Strategies of Investing
This four-part podcast series explores the history, strategies, and future of investing through a biblical lens with special guest Dr. Shane Enete from Biola University. In today’s episode, we’ll unpack key philosophies and strategies for investing. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just beginning, this series will equip you with insights to steward your resources wisely for God’s glory.
Purposeful Investing: The Past, Present, and Future of Investing
This four-part podcast series explores the history, strategies, and future of investing through a biblical lens. With special guest Dr. Shane Enete from Biola University, we’ll journey through the origins of investing, unpack key philosophies and strategies, examine the Christian investing marketplace, and discuss what the future holds for faith-driven investors. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just beginning, this series will equip you with insights to steward your resources wisely for God’s glory.
At The Heart of Generosity: What Jesus Actually Said About Money
If you’re a follower of Jesus, you know this world is filled with distractions, but perhaps none more powerful than money. Money is both a tool and a temptation, influencing our decisions, shaping our values, and, often, diverting our focus away from Christ. In this episode, we’re talking with John Jonez, the author of At The Heart of Generosity: What Jesus Actually Said About Money, about God’s original design for our relationship with money. His book helps us to shed light on the profound connection that exists between wealth and our faith.
Better Budgeting for Greater Impact
The most effective way to inspire good stewardship and generosity in your congregation is to manage the church’s finances with integrity and transparency. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we’re talking with Joseph Plagge from Martus Solutions about their church budgeting software that helps you do just that. Learn how this one tool can help your church propel its mission through better financial management.
The Generosity Pledge
Pastor Brian Kluth's ministry and materials have helped over 6,000 churches, ministries, and events worldwide to IGNITE people's faith, INSPIRE generosity, and increase the giving of over 1 Million Christians! In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we’re talking with Brian about The Generosity Pledge Card, and his 50 years of serving in stewardship and generosity ministry.
Happily Generous: The Secret To Living A Priceless Life
Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” There’s no better path to a fulfilled and happy life than generosity. In this episode, we’re talking with Mike Kocolowski about his new book, Happily Generous: The Secret To Living A Priceless Life, to learn the secrets to how we, too, can live a happily generous and priceless life.
The Real Facts About Generosity In The Church
Get ready to unlock the potential of giving in the Church with MortarStone’s 2023 Annual Generosity Report. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we’re discussing some of the findings from this insightful report to help church leaders get a better understanding of the significant shifts and trends in generosity in the Church. We believe this information is crucial to the future of the Church and beneficial for church leaders for helping people grow in their commitment to God and funding God’s kingdom.
Next Level Generosity: A Ministry for the Wealthy
Pastors need to know that there’s more to stewardship ministry than helping people get out of debt or develop a budget. A natural outflow of good stewardship is generosity. As Christians become affluent by practicing good stewardship, a need for more intentional and strategic generosity becomes equally important. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we’re talking with David Thoroughman from MortarStone about a ministry to the wealthy, helping those whom God has entrusted with wealth in giving strategically and wisely to the Church and Kingdom causes.
Economic Uncertainty and Its Impact on Church Giving
During economic uncertainty, people start adjusting their financial choices, including their generosity. The reality for most church members is that they are working with fewer resources than before due to inflation. At the same time, given their limited resources, they're trying to achieve what they believe is the greatest good possible through their giving. And, according to giving data a significant number are choosing to give to religious causes other than their church. In this episode, we're talking with Carl Tierney from Vision 2 to understand how churches can improve both their communication around giving and the financial discipleship of their members.
Inspiring Generosity Through the Offering Moment and Beyond
Generosity is a core principle of Christianity, and yet it seems to be one of the most difficult areas for believers to understand and regularly engage in. Just about every week, churches all over the world have some kind of giving or offering moment to encourage giving, and still, what we know is that a significant, perhaps as much as 50% of churchgoers, give very little, if anything at all. In this episode, we’re talking with Rodney Ross from Life Church to discuss ways to invite people to take their next step in generosity and trust God in their finances through the offering moment and beyond.
Generous Giving: Inspiring People to Greater Generosity
In Acts 10:35, Paul quotes Jesus as having said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” That’s a short but extremely profound and revealing statement, and if you’ve ever made a gift for the right reason and from your heart you’ve experienced this truth. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we’re talking with Todd Harper, the co-founder of Generous Giving, and April Chapman, Generous Giving’s Chief Executive Officer, about the incredible privilege we have to be generous. Their 22-Hour Journey of Generosity (JOG) event has been transforming generous givers into extravagant givers for many years, and they’d love to help you and your church community experience it for yourself.
The Personal Benefits of Generosity
Being generous is more than giving money to worthy causes. Although it sometimes includes giving money, generosity is much more. In this episode, we are joined by Todd McMichen to discuss the personal benefits of being a generous person, and why we need to make it a priority in our lives.
Increase Generosity Through Discipleship
Discipleship should always be our motivation, especially when we’re addressing topics like money and giving. Do these for any other reason, and the results will more than likely not go well. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, Jim Wise, Sr. Partner and Sr. Private Wealth Advisor at Ronald Blue Trust, shares his perspective from his years of training church and ministry leaders on discipling their donors.