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The Hidden Motives Behind Our Spending
"I've looked over your spending, and I have found the reason for your financial problems. It's your house. You bought a house that's too expensive, and the way to fix your financial situation is to sell your house and find cheaper housing." That was my advice to the very first couple I counseled. I know what you're thinking, and you're right. They didn't want to hear it, and they didn't come back for the next appointment.
What to say when speaking on money
Of all the topics that a pastor can choose to speak on, money is one of the least preferred. I get it! It's an intimidating thing to talk about. Most pastors feel ill-equipped to speak on it because they don't feel they know enough about it. Many fear saying the wrong thing or being seen as having the wrong motivation for talking about it. I understand the hesitation to speak on this, but it's the wrong choice because not speaking on it is more damaging to your people than you realize.
Two Reasons Why People Don't Give to the Church
There's a huge disconnect between what Christians are instructed to do and what they actually do when it comes to giving. Why is that? Most Christians know the Bible encourages them to be generous, yet a large majority of them give little or nothing at all. Is this open rebellion or something entirely different?
Pastors, Your People Need You to Preach on Money
Most pastors struggle to help people when finances are concerned. They shy away from this kind of counseling. If they have any ministry available, it's usually some form of financial assistance program that's ill-equipped to deal with people's real issues today.