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3 Giving Conversations to Have with Members
Church leaders talk about financial matters all the time, and it is not uncommon for these conversations to be focused primarily on the progress toward your giving goals. For an effective financial stewardship strategy that starts at the top, expand your financial discussions to include the topics that affect your givers.
Diagnosing the Health of Church Giving
Imagine you begin to exhibit health concerns. You present various symptoms that give rise to concern. One response you could make would be to consult the information superhighway, which will give a broad range of possible illnesses from one end of the spectrum to the other. Another response would be to consult a physician.
How Do I Grow Generosity at My Church?
Church giving can be an uncomfortable topic, but funding is essential to your church's function. There are many hurdles to overcome, but with the right approach, you can help your congregation grow and become better givers.
7 Ways Churches Can Prepare Financially for Rough Waters
We live in a fast-changing world. Those changes also impact churches. For instance, we have levels of inflation not seen in the last 40 years. Things ebb and flow, and what’s different today is unpredictability. It comes from rapid cultural change, shifting demographics, rapidly evolving technology, and an interdependent global economic climate.
Managing Wealth - An Issue of the Heart
In Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus begins by talking about wealth and where we should and should not store it. He then says something strange about the eye being the lamp of the body and its connection to light and darkness, which seems to be a shift away from the original topic of wealth. He then returns to the subject and says that you cannot serve God and mammon. Did Jesus veer off-topic, or is there an important connection we need to understand in this text?
Making the Most of Every Opportunity
While our bread and butter work is helping Christians invest well, we regularly focus our attention on giving and generosity. As we've often said, we want people to have more so they can give more!
Why Christians Don't Tithe
I believe in tithing. Soon after joining my first church as an adult, I received a membership packet, which included a statement about giving. It read, "As a member of this church, you agree to support this ministry through your regular tithes and offerings."
True Discipleship Has A Cost
Financial discipleship, being trained and equipped in God's financial principles to live as a good and faithful steward, is a lifelong journey that requires faithfulness and lifelong devotion.
The Benefits of Generosity
Are people predisposed to being selfish and self-serving? We humans seem to come out of the womb wanting. If you've had to care for a newborn, you understand what I'm talking about. But is that our design, or is there more that explains our selfishness?
What I Wish Every Church Leader Knew About Stewardship
For the last 17 years, I have served on staff at two large churches leading their stewardship ministries. During this time, I witnessed a surprising number of church leaders who also have an awkward relationship with stewardship. It doesn’t need to be this way.
Gauging The Health of Your Church Members
There are many ways you can assess the spiritual health of your church members. Faith, regular church attendance, and engagement in community groups are just a few of the behaviors that reveal the health of a church member. But perhaps the most revealing indicator is one that’s impossible to fake.