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Why is it So Hard to Give?
It’s no easy task trying to get people to understand the beauty of giving and generosity. Giving is an expression of worship, an invitation to partner with God in everything. It requires you to “place your bet” on the work of God over the physical comfort of predictability. Many of us have felt the discomfort of calculating the amount of money God has deemed his tithe and tried to do the math on how that would impact our wallet.
The Problem with Your General Fund and How to Fix It
"General Fund" and “Tithes” are the most common designations churches use to support day-to-day operations like staff salaries, facilities maintenance, and outreach programs.
These things, while perhaps not as tangible or inspiring as, say, digging a well in Somalia, are crucial. They ARE the cost of doing good.
The Future of the Church & Giving: A Millennial's Perspective
In a previous article, we’ve talked about how the Church is missing out on the greatest transfer of wealth that we have ever seen. I recently came across pretty disturbing statistics about giving in the church, specifically with the younger generation.
Why is tithing relevant to us today?
Tithing causes all kinds of heated debates and arguments. Whichever side of this issue you find yourself, for or against tithing, it's essential to be informed. There are too many opinions regarding this critical issue, not enough knowledge, which should come from one source, the Bible.
Why Christians Don't Tithe
I believe in tithing. Soon after joining my first church as an adult, I received a membership packet, which included a statement about giving. It read, "As a member of this church, you agree to support this ministry through your regular tithes and offerings."