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Financial Discipleship: What is it? Who Should Be Teaching It?
Over the past 20 years, I have seen the language and terminology in the Church around the topic of money change. Truthfully, I've even participated in this by trying to appeal to the people in our Church. As a person who is passionate about seeing people financially free, I've gone to great lengths to improve my communication about money to ensure people understand the information as well as my motivation behind it.
What the Widow’s Gift Says about Giving
It’s a common feeling for many believers to feel “called” to advance the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s as if God is constantly looking for donors to fund his mission; he’s got a goal set and those buckets keep sloshing around dimes and nickels. Pair that with the trend in many churches to do capital campaigns where Pastors reveal a “number” God gave them, and if we’re not careful, it can feel like we’re doing God a favor by giving generously.
The Marks of a Christian Investor
As the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the investing world grappled with its own upheavals. If you had money in the markets, you’ll likely long remember the period from mid-February to mid-March when the U.S. stock market fell 35% in just 16 trading days. Never before had the market so quickly switched gears from an all-time high to a bear market.
What Does the Bible Say About Saving?
I remember when it wasn't uncommon for Christians to believe saving meant you lacked faith and that it was unspiritual to save money. Perhaps the reason so many Christians embraced this point of view is because it sounded so spiritual, but it's false, especially when you take into account what the Bible has to say about it.
Review: Charting your Legacy by Compass
There is not one book, one teaching, one study that will fully disciple people in finances. Financial discipleship is a journey of a lifetime going ever deeper into learning and applying God's principles of managing money and wealth. That's why it takes different types of teaching and curriculum to move people along the journey.
The Burden of Ownership
Have you ever been convicted by the words of your mouth? Have you ever said something and immediately heard a voice say to you, "That's true, so why is it that you're not living like it?" Sometimes the most powerful convictions and most profound revelations are initiated by the words we speak.
What is Biblical Stewardship?
Biblical stewardship is a phrase we don't use too often in our daily vernacular, yet Jesus talks about being a steward over and over, as do the authors of the Bible. A steward's role is central to who he is and what he's been called to accomplish in life and ministry.