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What to say when speaking on money
Of all the topics that a pastor can choose to speak on, money is one of the least preferred. I get it! It's an intimidating thing to talk about. Most pastors feel ill-equipped to speak on it because they don't feel they know enough about it. Many fear saying the wrong thing or being seen as having the wrong motivation for talking about it. I understand the hesitation to speak on this, but it's the wrong choice because not speaking on it is more damaging to your people than you realize.
What was Jesus really asking the Rich Young Ruler?
"Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?" That's an excellent question! Be honest. You've probably asked or thought about that question yourself. In your desire to be good and pleased to God, you've wondered, am I doing the right things to ensure my eternal future?
Losing Influence: The Diminishing Reputation of The Church
In the marketplace, outstanding quality and excellent customer service build good reputations. Take either of these two components away, and a good reputation won't be achieved. This is also true for churches.
The Purpose of Wealth
It is an odd question for the son of a truck driver, who was the son of a sharecropper, to ask, but the question is valid: "What is the purpose of wealth?"