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Do Generosity and Stewardship Mean the Same Thing?
In recent years generosity and generosity ministry has gained popularity in the Church and non-profit organizations. Many church leaders have begun to use generosity in place of stewardship. This may seem like a better way to communicate the same thing for some, but do generosity and stewardship mean the same thing?
4 Steps To Being A Successful Saver
Do you have a difficult time saving money? Do you find yourself constantly having to rob your saving account to get through an emergency? You're not alone. The personal saving rate over the past few months has taken a nose-dive. Inflation has been a big factor, but it's hardly the reason for Americans’ historical lack of savings.
5 Keys To Developing Good Money Habits
Remember when you learned to drive? You had to concentrate constantly on your steering, the foot pressure on the accelerator, and how much pressure to apply when breaking while constantly scanning your mirrors. It took intense focus, and having a drivers-ed teacher, or worse, a parent continually watching and judging your performance, it's a miracle you got through it! But you did get through it. After years of learning and gaining experience, you've developed a routine, a habit, that makes driving easy. The same can be true about developing good money habits.
4 Reasons Couples Should Be Joint In Their Finances
Every couple enters into a marriage believing and hoping for the best, and why shouldn't they? Marriage is a beautiful union created by God through which He intends to bless and grow his people. Unfortunately, many challenges come with blending two people together, and finances is certainly one of those challenges.
Better Stewardship in 2022
If you’re a regular consumer of our content, you know we’re passionate about Biblical stewardship and generosity. Our mission is to train and equip church leaders to teach Gods’ financial principles to their congregations. Why do we do this? Because money is a primary competitor with Christ for our heart and devotion. You really can’t serve two masters, and that’s why we exist; to help people understand this truth and not be deceived into living a life pursuing the wrong things.
Spending as a Disciple of Jesus
How valuable is the Word of God when we embrace the theology but miss its application? If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance you have a desire to know more about the relationship between money and faith. You may have a desire to understand what the Bible has to say about money, or you may already know what it says, and you need a reminder or to be validated that when it comes to managing money, you're doing it right.
Two Keys to Managing Money Well
I've realized that no matter how long I've been managing money and how much I know about managing it God's way, it doesn't get easier. The lure of wealth and all it promises, especially through the consistent advertising we're exposed to daily, has an impact. It can wear us down and make us discontent, causing us to use money selfishly, even foolishly. It is impossible never to make a mistake, but managing money God's way should be the standard we seek and the desire we hold.
What to say when speaking on money
Of all the topics that a pastor can choose to speak on, money is one of the least preferred. I get it! It's an intimidating thing to talk about. Most pastors feel ill-equipped to speak on it because they don't feel they know enough about it. Many fear saying the wrong thing or being seen as having the wrong motivation for talking about it. I understand the hesitation to speak on this, but it's the wrong choice because not speaking on it is more damaging to your people than you realize.
The Emotional Side of Money
Pink Floyd got it wrong when they lyricized that "money is the root of all evil," but they weren't far off the mark. Financial issues are cited as the number one cause of divorce, and having helped more couples work through financial issues than I can count, I've seen how money can be a destructive force in our lives.