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Review: Charting your Legacy by Compass
There is not one book, one teaching, one study that will fully disciple people in finances. Financial discipleship is a journey of a lifetime going ever deeper into learning and applying God's principles of managing money and wealth. That's why it takes different types of teaching and curriculum to move people along the journey.
3 Steps to Create a Culture of Transformational Stewardship
When people think of stewardship and/or stewardship ministries, what often comes to mind are capital campaigns, pushes to give, and teaching financial education through budgeting classes. While these are fantastic tools that help us grow in the practical areas of finances, is that truly what defines a stewardship ministry? Anyone can be generous, and anyone can manage their finances through budgeting. Applying biblical principles to our finances or attending budgeting classes does not mean our hearts are in the right place when it comes to money, possessions, and our relationship with God.
How to Teach the Next Generation About Money & Stewardship
Growing up, there was one word that I liked using more than any other: why. I’m sure if you asked my parents, I asked them “why” more often than anything else. I’m a naturally very inquisitive person, I love learning new information, and I want to understand things. There was nothing more frustrating to me than being given a set of rules by my parents that I didn’t understand, then when I asked why, I was met with the famous parental one-liner, “Because I said so!” Many of my teenage years were spent brooding over rules I didn’t understand or appreciate.
Spending as a Disciple of Jesus
How valuable is the Word of God when we embrace the theology but miss its application? If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance you have a desire to know more about the relationship between money and faith. You may have a desire to understand what the Bible has to say about money, or you may already know what it says, and you need a reminder or to be validated that when it comes to managing money, you're doing it right.
The Future of the Church & Giving: A Millennial's Perspective
In a previous article, we’ve talked about how the Church is missing out on the greatest transfer of wealth that we have ever seen. I recently came across pretty disturbing statistics about giving in the church, specifically with the younger generation.
Why is tithing relevant to us today?
Tithing causes all kinds of heated debates and arguments. Whichever side of this issue you find yourself, for or against tithing, it's essential to be informed. There are too many opinions regarding this critical issue, not enough knowledge, which should come from one source, the Bible.
The Hidden Motives Behind Our Spending
"I've looked over your spending, and I have found the reason for your financial problems. It's your house. You bought a house that's too expensive, and the way to fix your financial situation is to sell your house and find cheaper housing." That was my advice to the very first couple I counseled. I know what you're thinking, and you're right. They didn't want to hear it, and they didn't come back for the next appointment.
True Generosity
We’ve all heard about extravagant acts of generosity. Some are quite incredible, which makes me wonder whether these people are uniquely gifted or just plain crazy? Come on, I know I’m not the only one who’s thought this! So, what does real generosity look like? How much do I have to give, and how will I know when I’m really generous?
What was Jesus really asking the Rich Young Ruler?
"Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?" That's an excellent question! Be honest. You've probably asked or thought about that question yourself. In your desire to be good and pleased to God, you've wondered, am I doing the right things to ensure my eternal future?