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Biblical Financial Principles and 5 Practical Steps to Live by Them
Financial management plays a significant role in our lives today. However, for Christians, the concept of financial stewardship goes beyond sheer money management. It is rooted in biblical principles that guide believers to view and manage their finances as a resource entrusted to them by God. In this article, we will define the principles of biblical financial stewardship and provide some practical steps you can take to live as a faithful steward.
Do Millennials Have it Harder Than Previous Generations?
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there's been a considerable amount of press on the economic woes of millennials. Comparisons between Generation Y and older generations have them at a considerable disadvantage. There's no doubt that millennials face some challenges, but is their economic outlook and long-term ability to do well really as bad as the talking heads predict?
5 Keys To Developing Good Money Habits
Remember when you learned to drive? You had to concentrate constantly on your steering, the foot pressure on the accelerator, and how much pressure to apply when breaking while constantly scanning your mirrors. It took intense focus, and having a drivers-ed teacher, or worse, a parent continually watching and judging your performance, it's a miracle you got through it! But you did get through it. After years of learning and gaining experience, you've developed a routine, a habit, that makes driving easy. The same can be true about developing good money habits.
Why Do Christians Experience Financial Hardships?
Christianity doesn’t insulate you from worldly problems. Most Christians, if asked, would say they agree with that statement. Yet, when faced with difficult situations, we act as if something bizarre and unexpected is happening to us. Some of us even go as far as questioning God’s faithfulness towards them, especially when faced with financial hardships.
A Stewardship Ministry in Every Church
Here at the Christian Stewardship Network, we believe that God is the provider of all things, and it is He who gives us the power to create wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18) and the direction and wisdom we are to manage that wealth. Because the world's ways of handling money are contrary to God's ways, causing people to fall into financial and spiritual bondage, our mission is to train church leaders in God's financial principles and equip them to teach them to their congregations.
Financial Success in the Kingdom of God
I've been fascinated by the many new and creative ways people are making a living these days. By using platforms like Etsy, Instagram, Pinterest, and Youtube, to name just a few, many people are ditching the 9-5, climbing the corporate ladder, way of making a living. These solopreneurs, mostly the younger generation, are seeking something that the standard career paths cannot provide.
The Marks of a Christian Investor
As the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the investing world grappled with its own upheavals. If you had money in the markets, you’ll likely long remember the period from mid-February to mid-March when the U.S. stock market fell 35% in just 16 trading days. Never before had the market so quickly switched gears from an all-time high to a bear market.
How to Teach the Next Generation About Money & Stewardship
Growing up, there was one word that I liked using more than any other: why. I’m sure if you asked my parents, I asked them “why” more often than anything else. I’m a naturally very inquisitive person, I love learning new information, and I want to understand things. There was nothing more frustrating to me than being given a set of rules by my parents that I didn’t understand, then when I asked why, I was met with the famous parental one-liner, “Because I said so!” Many of my teenage years were spent brooding over rules I didn’t understand or appreciate.
Two Keys to Managing Money Well
I've realized that no matter how long I've been managing money and how much I know about managing it God's way, it doesn't get easier. The lure of wealth and all it promises, especially through the consistent advertising we're exposed to daily, has an impact. It can wear us down and make us discontent, causing us to use money selfishly, even foolishly. It is impossible never to make a mistake, but managing money God's way should be the standard we seek and the desire we hold.
The Wisdom of Principles: 12 Financial Principles of Stewardship
Just because something is popular or admired doesn't make it good or right. One of the most famous tourist attractions in the world is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. What makes it an interesting attraction is that it was built on a poor foundation, which is causing it to lean to this day. Although it's become famous for tourists, it doesn't change the truth that this is a clear example of failure, what happens when an improper foundation is laid.
What to say when speaking on money
Of all the topics that a pastor can choose to speak on, money is one of the least preferred. I get it! It's an intimidating thing to talk about. Most pastors feel ill-equipped to speak on it because they don't feel they know enough about it. Many fear saying the wrong thing or being seen as having the wrong motivation for talking about it. I understand the hesitation to speak on this, but it's the wrong choice because not speaking on it is more damaging to your people than you realize.