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The Importance of Financial Habits
Having financial goals is important; without goals, it's hard to know if we're on track when it comes to Biblical stewardship. But goals themselves aren't enough - we also need to instill the habits necessary to reach them. It's great to have a goal to pay off our credit cards, but if we don't put in place the disciplines needed to get there, the goal itself doesn't help us.
5 Keys To Developing Good Money Habits
Remember when you learned to drive? You had to concentrate constantly on your steering, the foot pressure on the accelerator, and how much pressure to apply when breaking while constantly scanning your mirrors. It took intense focus, and having a drivers-ed teacher, or worse, a parent continually watching and judging your performance, it's a miracle you got through it! But you did get through it. After years of learning and gaining experience, you've developed a routine, a habit, that makes driving easy. The same can be true about developing good money habits.
Better Stewardship in 2022
If you’re a regular consumer of our content, you know we’re passionate about Biblical stewardship and generosity. Our mission is to train and equip church leaders to teach Gods’ financial principles to their congregations. Why do we do this? Because money is a primary competitor with Christ for our heart and devotion. You really can’t serve two masters, and that’s why we exist; to help people understand this truth and not be deceived into living a life pursuing the wrong things.
Overcoming the Emotional Impulse to Spend
Growing up, I recall the Christmas season being about giving. Everyone focused on buying something for their loved ones. Somewhere along the way, the notion that we should also treat ourselves to something special got thrown into the mix.
Seeking and Receiving Wise Counsel
Christians should know about seeking wise counsel, especially when making important decisions. There are numerous passages in scripture that specifically encourage seeking counsel.
Contentment: The Superpower of the Financially Wise
Our world is out to get us when it comes to having nice things. The aggression at which we are convinced to buy items reminds me of 1 Peter 5:8: 'Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. '
Pastors, Your People Need You to Preach on Money
Most pastors struggle to help people when finances are concerned. They shy away from this kind of counseling. If they have any ministry available, it's usually some form of financial assistance program that's ill-equipped to deal with people's real issues today.